Thank you for your interest in registering an event for Queensland Youth Week.

Once your event registration is received and reviewed your listing will be published and made visible to members of the public.

By submitting your request, you are verifying that all information provided is accurate and you are giving your approval for this information to be published to the website.

For more information, contact us by emailing

To view events held in 2023 see last year's events calendar.

Please check your event doesn't already exist in the 2024 calendar prior to completing the form below.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  1. What
    1. What is your event? Who is it for? What activities are on offer? (Max 300 characters.)
    2. Type *
    3. Target audience age *
  2. Where
    1. The event will be held… *
    2. Physical location
      1. Building or venue name, if applicable.
      2. Venue access
  3. When
  4. How
    1. If there is a website with more information about the event, provide the address.
    2. Website for people to register for the event.
    3. Cost * Is the event free to attend or is there a charge?
    4. Are bookings required? *
  5. Who
    1. Organiser

      Who should people contact for further information about the event?
      Note: these details will be made publicly available.

      1. Organisation or individual hosting the event.
    2. Your contact details

      If you are submitting this form but are not the event contact as listed above, please provide your details.
      Note: these details will not be made publicly available.


The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (the department) collects your name, email address and telephone number so we can publicly display, on our website, contact details of your event if your event submission is successful. These details will also be published on our social media platforms to further promote your event during Youth Week.

When you submit your event for registration the event contact person and the event organiser details will be placed on an internal departmental register so that we may contact you for related activities such as surveying your experience with the department and providing you with information about future Youth Week activities. If you do not wish to have your details recorded on our internal register, please email

We will only use and disclose your information for the above purposes unless authorised or required by law. For further privacy information please go to our privacy policy.