Fees and services—Fees and services - Assessment of an application for an issue of a transitional environmental program - annual returns and monitoring - flat fee for first 2 hours

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A transitional environmental program (TEP) is a specific program that, when approved, achieves compliance with the Environmental Protection Act 1994 for the matters dealt with by the program by either (a) reducing environmental harm; or (b) detailing the transition to an environmental standard; or (c) detailing the transition of the activity to comply with—(i) a condition of an environmental authority for the activity; or (ii) a development condition; or (iii) a prescribed condition for carrying out a small scale mining activity; or (iv) an agricultural ERA standard that applies to an agricultural ERA. The assessment of a TEP will incur a flat rate for time spent on the assessment up to a maximum of two hours.

$535.00 (inc. GST)
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